Your Success Begins With Us...

Our Services

As a Chase I drive behind the load to warn the driving public and clear driving lanes when the load needs to move over to clear other vehicles or objects, all while monitoring traffic, chains, and tires.
As well as the load or tires proximity to curbs street signs and many other obstacles especially when completing turns.

As a Lead I Drive well ahead of the Load by half to one mile, my job is to warn the motoring public coming towards us, that there is something big coming at them.
And inform my driver of traffic coming at us when he can't see around curves, corners or over hills. being the lead I also Read the permit, map the route and make sure we stay on it, all while scouting out the road for potential hazards to give the driver forewarning.
And I block traffic for the truck to get around corners because they need a lot of space to safely complete a turn without causing any damage.

High Pole is an advanced Lead position.
in addition to all the responsibilities as a Lead I have a extendable measuring stick called a High Pole bolted to the front of my truck and I monitor everything overhead.
Like but not limited to; Tree limbs, power lines, traffic lights, railroad arms and bridges.
the High Pole is always at least six inches above the tallest point of the load.
What Our Clients Say
Rich McHealey
50 year Oversize Driver
" You did Good Kid!
We did that one run together but you really saved my bacon a couple of times, and you actually seem to know what the hell you are doing!"
45 year Oversize Driver
"She's a good escort!"

“Success is not final; Failure is not fatal:
It is the courage to continue that counts.”
Winston Churchill